Ad Details
Ad ID: 5120
Added: August 9, 2020
Condition: Brand New
Location: Nigeria
State: Ondo
City: Akure
Views: 595
Mustard seed is in the land of israel where it is used for treatment of all diseases. It contains 100% natural ingredients that posses powerful substances to cure
almost all types of sickness.
1. Energy booster: chew some seed of mustard seed daily for 5 days for strong erection.
2. Hair booster: grind some seed of mustard seed, mix t with hair cream apply it daily.
3. General disease: eye problem, ulcer, rheumatism,
headache, diabetics, hypertension, sleeplessness, cough, asthma, tuberculousis, stomach pain chew some seed daily for 5 days. Malaria typhiod, menstural pain chew some seed of mustard seed daily for 5 days.
4. Good memory: mix mustard seeds with original honey & take one teaspoonful daily.
5. Toothaches & mouth odour: use mustard seeds to wash mouth for 5 days.
6. Diabetes etc
Available in
500ml – #5,000
100ml – #1000
50ml. – #500
35ml – #350