₦ 9999

Gi Vitale For Ulcer

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Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 8271

  • Added: August 13, 2020

  • Sale Price: ₦ 9999

  • Regular Price: ₦ 10000

  • Condition: Brand New

  • Location: Nigeria

  • State: Oyo

  • City: Ibadan

  • Views: 586


Norland GI softgel has the following fuctions:
functions and benefits
1. Fights all forms of ulcers including throat ulcer.
2. Rejuvenates/ regenerates cells.
3. Eliminates constipation.
4. Prevents and fight cancer.
5. Improves the digestive process and lowers inflammation.
6. Promotes rapid wound healing. *heals stomach/gastro duodenal ulcers.
7. Heals gastritis, esophaitis.
8. Remits cancers in the gi tract (e.G. Gastric cancer, colon cancer).
9. Prevents atrophy, constipation, necrosis, erosion or degeneration of mucosa due to aging and/or stress etc.