Ad Details
Ad ID: 10871
Added: August 18, 2020
Sale Price: ₦ 9800
Regular Price: ₦ 10000
Condition: Brand New
Location: Nigeria
State: Ondo
City: Akure
Views: 450
Vision vital capsules comes in 30 grams of 60 capsules.
The capsule is meant to be used as 1 capsule two times daily.
Suitable for people that are visually impaired.
Also good for those who require eye adjustment.
Suitable for people suffering from glaucoma; cataract etc.
It prevents macular degeneration and retinas pigmentosa.
It eventually prevents sight loss.
Combining this formulation with Norland Mebo GI capsule has been proven to be effective. The optical nerves around the eye region are rejuvenated and regenerated…as this is the primary function of the Mebo GI formulation.
The right combination of Vision Vitale and Mebo GI leaves your eyes as renewed as if they were that of a new born.